Douglas County BASE is returning to Castle Rock Elementary for the 2018-2019 school year!!
About Before and After School Enterprise (B.A.S.E.)
Douglas County students ages five through thirteen years are eligible to access our on-site school-age child care programs. Priority enrollment is given to Castle Rock Elementary students, and we will also be accepting students from South Ridge Elementary, and there will be a bus route to shuttle students to South Ridge in time for the breakfast program and a shuttle from South Ridge to Castle Rock at school dismissal. We will also be offering services during professional development days and during the school breaks.
Our mission is to promote the safety, well-being, and development of every child while partnership with the school and community to be the best choice for families. We live our mission by hiring talented and nurturing staff, involving children in planning and implementing fun, enriching, age appropriate activities, supporting staff through on-going training and development, and creating avenues for parents to provide input into our program.
Benefits of our B.A.S.E. programs:
- District oversight and support
- All staff are Douglas County School District employees
- Licensed through State of Colorado Division of Child Care
- On-site convenience for families
- Strong school partnership
- Several sites recognized as accredited through Council on Accreditation
Please visit the CRE BASE website for hours, tuition and more. The link to register (new families only) is below.
CRE BASE Website
Register for BASE care!
2021-2022 Program Pricing
Before School 6:30am-8:40am
Located in the cafeteria
$12/per session/child
In the Before School Program children have the opportunity to "wake up" in a relaxed environment and have a smooth transition into the school day. Children are able to choose from a variety of games and activities, eat their breakfast, or do any extra homework. On different occasions children will be able to enjoy crafts, play games in the gym, or run on the playground.
After School 3:30pm-6:00pm
Located in the cafeteria
$12.50/per session/child
Once the bell rings, attendance is taken then we begin our afternoon. We may spend time in the cafeteria, the gym, and (weather permitting) we will play outside on the playground. Children will be given time to eat a snack if you wish to supply it, or we will supply a small healthy snack.
Full Day Program 6:30am-6:00pm
Located in the cafeteria and assorted exciting destinations
$35/per session/child for ON-SITE days*
*There will be an additional fee on field trip days to pay entrance fees
The Full Day Program is offered on specific days, and seasonal breaks, when children are not attending school. On Full Days we incorporate a balance of social interaction, academic learning, engaging crafts, off site field trips and physical education to make the day exciting and meaningful to your child.
Registration Information:
Registration Cut-off: Parents shall submit schedules and payment for child care sessions by midnight on the Wednesday prior to the week (or weeks, as some sites have monthly registration, due to size and programming needs) in order to receive the regular registration rate. This provides staff with two (2) business days to plan for staffing and programming for the following week(s).
Late Registration Rate: Calculated based on an additional $2.00 per child for Before School and After School. Calculated based on $3.00 per child for School Breaks. Based on space available.
Unscheduled Rate: Calculated based on an additional $3.00 per child for Before School and After School. Calculated based on $4.00 per child for School Breaks. Parents shall contact program in advance to verify if space is available. Director reserves the right to deny services if parents show concerning patterns / frequency of unscheduled child care and/or delinquent payment for charges.
Annual Enrollment Fee: $75.00 per child, $100.00 per family. These fees pay for the cost to enroll families into the program, which includes setting up accounts so parents can access our new parent portal. Parents will be able to enroll, schedule, pay with credit or debit cards, and access receipts, schedules, and year-end tax statements online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Enrollment fees are allocated toward the cost of the SchoolCare Works parent portal, our online scheduling and payment system.
Sibling Discounts: 10% discount off of regular registration rate for additional sibling for School Break days only. This discount does not apply to late registration and/or unscheduled rates.
Activity Fees (School Breaks): Vary depending on the cost of the activity, ranges from $8-10 per day, per child.
Average number of field trips per week: 2-3
Late Pick-Up Fees: $1.00 per child, per minute after program closing time. Director reserves the right to deny services if parents show concerning patterns / frequency of late pick-ups.
2021-2022 BASE Contact Information
Vincent Archuletta
Castle Rock Elementary/South Ridge Elementary
Rock Pack B.A.S.E. Program Manager
Program cell: 303.817.9271
To register for B.A.S.E care, click here.