Our school is located at:
1103 Canyon Dr.
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Principal Dr. Deb Warr
Welcome to Castle Rock Elementary, home of the Coyotes in grades K - 6.
CRE is home to Project Based Learning. PBL is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges, simultaneously developing cross-curriculum skills while working in small collaborative groups or individually. Project Based Learning is filled with active and engaging learning opportunities and inspires students to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they are studying. PBL projects allow students to present their knowledge in a multitude of ways including posters, dioramas, multimedia presentations, photos, spoken word, and more!
Castle Rock Elementary offers additional unique learning experiences through our natural backyard habitat. All of CRE's students are provided opportunities to experience learning through the use of our outdoor classroom. CRE has partnered with Castle Rock Open Space and Trails department. This partnership will allow students to work together with the Open Space and Trails team to improve and integrate trail systems into the habitat. Each of our grade levels participate in the care and maintenance of our habitat. The habitat is home to a wide variety of native plants and wildlife. We frequently see deer, coyotes, foxes, raccoons and more visiting our habitat!
Castle Rock Elementary strives to meet the needs of the diverse individuals in our community. We offer a variety of programming both during and outside of school hours.
Our dedicated staff offers extracurricular opportunities throughout the year to enhance our student experience while at CRE. We are proud to offer choir, Battle of the Books, a fall musical production, art club, HEX athletic competition, Field Day and the Coyote Fitness Challenge, and more! We have a thriving student leadership program focused on community service - both within our walls and in our neighboring community.
Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) sponsors several annual fundraising events such as Turkey Bingo, Sock Hop and Coyote Fitness Challenge in addition to hosting spirit nights at local restaurants, Popcorn Friday, and other exciting events and activities!