CMAS Testing

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District Assessment Schedule
2024 CRE CMAS Schedule

In compliance with legislation, Colorado joined the CMAS consortia as a governing member in August, 2012. CMAS is a multi-state assessment consortium that is developing shared English language arts (ELA) and mathematics assessments. About 20 states participate in the consortium. As a governing member, Colorado is committed to relying on the CMAS assessment system. CMAS has ELA assessments in grades 3-11 and mathematics assessments in grades 3-8 with three high school assessments. CMAS has developed college and career ready determinations that will be based on the assessments given in 11th grade. 

DCSD State Assessment Policy
HB 15-1323
State assessment excusal form for parents/guardians 

Parents or guardians requesting a paper version of the test should contact School Assessment Coordinator,Tony Lamb, by December 1st, 2023 at tony.lamb@dcsdk12.