Lightning Dismissal
Lightning is a dangerous occurrence that happens frequently in Colorado and it is something that we take very seriously. In the event of inclement weather including lightning or the threat of lightning, CRE staff will work diligently to alert our parents and families. We will update parents by sending email. During a Lightning Dismissal, Yellow Flags will posted on the southern-most mobile and on the main flag pole in front of the school.
When lightning occurs at dismissal time, students will be required to remain in the building until a parent or guardian picks their student up and signs them out, or their bus number is called for safe boarding. During these events, the following procedure will be followed:
1. School bus riders will remain in class until called by bus numbers to proceed quickly to their bus.
2. Students who ride daycare buses will be loaded after the school buses have left.
3. Parents of walkers or car riders will go to their students classroom, pick their student up, and sign them out with the classroom teacher.
4. In the event that the storm and lightning passes and students have not yet been picked up, they will be released to walk/ride home as normal.
Severe/Cold Weather Policy
The main office has views of the parking lot as well as the playground. We have a "mini-weather station" on top of the building that gives wind speed, temperatures, and wind chill information.
In cases of severe weather, whether it be snowing and cold in the morning, or dropping temperatures throughout the day, common sense will be used on the appropriate action. In cases of severe cold weather in the morning, children will be brought into the gym.
Cold weather during the day calls for indoor recess.
Any time any lightning is seen outside, children are immediately sent inside by the adult on-site at that time.